Swimming (or not) on your Period

Sunday February 16 2014
by Kelsey

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"I'm starting at a new school, and each week we go swimming. Tomorrow (my first day) we have to go, I have my period and don't want anyone to know, what do I do?!"

- Abby

Kelsey: Easiest way to get around it is to use a tampon, but if you're not comfortable using one yet just fake an asthma attack/ "roll your ankle" on the way to class... I was never a fan of PE at school, I tried every trick in the book haha

Belinda: Defs tampon, change right before you go swimming and when you get out. But would depend on if you're comfortable using them?

Sophia: Cardboard applicators (tampax) are the way to go, I was bad at putting tampons in without them until like last year.
It doesn't come with instructions so open the packaging so you have the cardboard thing. It comes kind of in two bits which can be extended/unextended. Put it in extended. Best way (particularly for nobody to know) is knees apart on the toilet seat, but if it's still a bit uncomfortable try squatting. While it's in, push the two pieces together (Don't let go of the applicator!). This will push the tampon further in and open up the cardboard applicator. Pull the applicator out. If there's a sanitary box, throw it in there, otherwise wrap it in toilet paper and put it in a rubbish bin. It's small enough that you can hide it in the palm of your hand so if there are other people in the bathroom they won't notice it. Wiggle your hips a bit to make sure it's comfortable. If it is, excellent! If not, you can either brave it out (ugh) (although this is totally what I did) or use your finger/the empty applicator to jiggle it around.
If you're swimming with tampons they're generally p easy to take out after 1 hour of swimming.

Natasha: Telling a teacher and saying you would rather it not be news and then just tell everyone you are feeling sick. Teachers are adults and aren't going to freak out if you tell them you have your period. Even a male teacher-- in fact, they're more likely not going to ask questions.

Maddy: Tampons are excellent when you are comfortable with them but I found it took a while for me to completely trust them. There's heaps of things you can do when starting out: lube, applicators, slim minis. But if you are not confident with them and don't feel the need to swim just tell your teacher you have your period and don't want to, they can't make you wear a tampon. Again if you don't want ANYONE to know just say you've got a cold or had an upset stomach earlier and don't want to risk it (get a parent to write you a note if they're cool with that?). Sometimes lying is ok. You don't have to swim if you don't want to.

Sophia: (Also: if you're really into swimming it's a cost-benefit analysis. Tampons were mad uncomfortable for me but I was a keen Underwater Hockey player so sometimes I'd just suck it up and sometimes I'd bail on practice - depends on your comfort, depends on how much you like swimming. Take care of your wants and needs first!)

Lauren: Also: Cups! Can be a little scary at first, and they have this weird image problem where people think they are the grossest thing around, but they are actually super convenient and cost-effective and hygienic and environmentally friendly and way less gross than you think. They're the most convenient thing ever for swimming, because you don't need to change them straight after you get out, like you would a tampon.

Caitlin: Just thought I'd share, had the same problem and pulled the old, forgot my togs trick or something equally bleak like that. On the day my friend wasn't swimming either, so I asked why. She straight up just said "Got my period."
For some reason that was huuggee for me. First time I realized I had nothing to hide, twas just life.
(I don't really have any good advice or a point, just want you to know that it's nothing to be ashamed of!) yay ▼

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